Project Minecraft


My quilting adventure actually started with what I call Project Minecraft. I know, in a previous blog I wrote it started with the heart pillow. But in fact the heart pillow was the first quilt top I have ever made. I actually decided I wanted to try out quilting, when I stumbled upon Kelli Fannin’s Minecraft Mondays sew along on a Sunday afternoon.

That Sunday I was searching for information on setting up my own Minecraft server. I Wanted to be able to play Minecraft in a safe environment with my eight year old nephew Anne. He really is into Minecraft and during my visits last August and September, he showed me the place he created in the game and wanted to teach me all about its mobs (mobile entities) by reading me the articles in his Minecraft magazine. Funny though, that the sew along was also listed when I googled on how to set up a Minecraft server.

The quilt Kelli made for her son is so colourful and gorgeous, that I immediately fell in love with it. I felt I MUST make this quilt as a birthday gift for Anne. At that moment Project Minecraft was given birth, allthough I didn’t even start. But before diving into a project of this size and buying lots of fabrics and materials, I wanted to make sure I would enjoy quilting/patchworking. So it would be smart to make some pillows first to try out. I like the quilt blocks of the sword and pick axe best, so I decided to turn those into two pillows.

But Anne also has a younger sister – Jildou – and ofcourse she can’t be forgotten. She would get a set of very girly pillows. These were the heart pilows found at the Cluck Cluck Sew website.

I ordered the fabrics for the Minecraft and heart pillows at the same time. But because one colour used for the Mincecraft pillows was out of stock, I started with the heart pillows instead.